Welcome to ALIM: A Life in Miracles
On completion of the 8-week Group Coaching Program, you will have completely changed your experience of life, to one of total security and limitless capacity for happiness. You will master the most valuable method any human being can learn, and in doing so begin the discovery of who you truly are. You will reveal to yourself what you need to learn and the power to achieve it, without struggle, pain, or fear. With this method, you will be able to overcome all obstacles and become capable of wielding the limitless Power within all of us - a Power that so few ever dare to unlock.

David R. Hawkins, MD., Ph.D.
a widely known authority within the fields of consciousness research and spirituality, father-creator of the Map of Consciousness
The Method is something powerfully effective, ultra-simple that can relieve suffering on every level: physical, mental, and spiritual. It allows one to achieve physical goals, your goals in the world, your goals in relationships, and your spiritual goals.

This Program is for You if
You feel stuck and disconnected from yourself and loved ones and want to overcome anxiety, worries, self-doubts, lack of self-worth, co-dependencies, and any insecurities
You are tired of being influenced by the negative states of your mind and how it impacts your life
You are ready to take responsibility for your life, become the creator of your own reality, and heal your inner traumas, instead of being a victim of circumstances
You suffer from chronic illness, physical pain or want to heal your immune system and recover your body during or after cancer treatments
How the Journey looks like
Enjoy lifetime access to the most effective technique to un-program ourselves
This program is incredibly well structured into 8 weeks, with a clear roadmap, based on the work of Dr. David Hawkins. You will be shown a clear path to overcoming any form of negativity in your life.
The focus is to transcend all negative emotions within like shame, guilt, fear, anger, and other lower states of consciousness. The method taught is very easy to integrate into any busy life and the results are guaranteed.
Weekly live calls will give you access directly to the teachers to provide you with personal support, guidance and accountability.
You will experience rewiring (un-learning) of your brain which automatically leads to more happiness in every area of your life.
In the 8-Week Program
You are Going to Learn:
How to Let Go of Suffering and
Unleash Unlimited Energy Within
How to Improve Relationships and Release Conflicts
How to Be Healthy and Reach Excellence in Anything You Do
How to Get Rid of Old Mind Programs
Stopping You from Greatness
How to Realise Who
You Truly Are
How to Let Go of Attachments and Reach Your True Purposes
Why the Program is so Effective?
The Only method to Un-Learn and Release Any Old Consciousness Programs
No matter how hard you try, when you learn new programs, they are weakened by the fact that they are canceled out by thousands of your old programs that negate it. Even if you let your Desire go, there are other things like Shame, Guilt, Grief, Fear, Pride, and so on. The methodology of the ALIM Course un-brainwashes you, un-programs fully. It has no new programs in it. There are no metaphysical teachings ALIM Course provides, there are no new programs at all. It's an un-programing easy and highly effective technique.
What You Learn With Us Will Work Effortlessly and Continuously
The beauty of the ALIM Method is that it works continuously. So, for instance, if something should happen anywhere, anytime, and Desire or any other emotion would arise, it is instantly released, so you are not accumulating any more programs, you are constantly releasing what you have suppressed not only this lifetime but whatever you came into this life with. In time you are able to reach the state of Peace, experiencing just your own beingness, free of any destructive attachments and pain.
Easy Integration With Everyday Life
The Method, used in ALIM Course is available for you 24/7. And it works instantly. The beauty of the method is that it works all the time as you go about in the world. It helps easily and quickly solve any practical problems you come in touch with daily. There is only 1 requirement: Accomplish at least 21 days of the course and we guarantee that the Method will start working automatically for you.
Access to Like-Minded Community
Having direct access to a community group will help you to meet new like-minded people, make new friends, and feel an amazingly helpful, and motivational vibe of the group. No matter what part of the world you are in right now, the community is right here to support and help any time.

Your Outer World is Only a Reflection of Your Inner World. Change Yourself and Everything Around You Will Change.
Find Out What People Have to Share about the Method Taught in the ALIM Course
Next round of the ALIM Program start on the 1st of July 2023
We want this beautiful course to be available to as many people as possible. However, the amount of available group spots is limited. Don't miss your chance to be a part of this incredible transformation! What you are about to learn will work continuously and effortlessly in any part of your life. Moreover, when you buy the access to the program, you directly support the promotion of this valuable knowledge, helping millions of people around the world.
Enrollments for the next round are going to be closed on 25 June 2023. Get your spot for:
ALIM Course Reviews
WHAT IS PULSED ELECTRO MAGNETIC FREQUENCY THERAPY (PEMF)?PEMF is a therapeutic technology/device which is a fast and easy to use system for pain management and the recovery from sports injuries, lower back pain, muscle aches and pains, headaches, nervous tension and stress, improved immune system high blood pressure and degenerative conditions related to aging.
WHAT DOES PEMF THERAPY DO?The PEMF therapeutic device delivers a series of pulsating magnetic frequencies into the client, which creates a penetrating energy that will dynamically interact with cellular metabolism in order to produce a wide range of healing benefits. Those healing benefits to the body are increased ATP production, normalization of cellular membrane potentials, increased oxygenation of tissues and improved removal of toxins from the cells.
WHAT IS A PEMF SESSION LIKE?A PEMF session will essentially feel relaxing. All you do is lie on a mat or local applicator pillow. No action or physical activity is required. Most people simply go to a restful, meditative state or fall asleep. Afterwards they may feel more rested, peaceful and energized…minus some aches and pains.
WHAT SHOULD I EXPERIENCE DURING A PEMF SESSION?Since everyone is unique and has different physical problems or conditions, each will experience something different. There are numerous types of therapeutic and intensity settings on the device, allowing the individual to increase or decrease the effects. Thus a person can experience many different sensations. Frequently, people will state that they feel a tingling in an area of an old injury, while others say they feel a sense of wellness and relaxation. Check it out for yourself and see what you experience.
WHO CAN USE PEMF THERAPY AND ARE THERE ANY CONTRAINDICATIONS TO USING PEMF THERAPY?Everyone can use PEMF therapy from the very young to the elderly, from sedentary individuals to those that exercise daily. Essentially, anyone at any age group, any level of wellness or fitness can use this technology. All can and will benefit from PEMF treatments while experiencing no negative side effects. There are only a few contraindications for PEMF therapy. Specifically, there are 3 contraindications for using this technology, individuals with 1) pacemakers 2) pregnancy 3) epileptics.
HOW OFTEN CAN I USE PEMF THERAPY?PEMF treatment is a safe, easy to use and effective treatment with no negative side effects. Using PEMF according to suggested schedule just 30 minutes, two times per day offers long lasting, significant relief not only throughout the day but throughout the weeks and months, as it mobilizes the body’s healing resources.
WHAT ARE THE GENERAL HEALTH BENEFITS OF PEMF THERAPY?The following is a list of the general health benefits from using PEMF therapy: Improved re-generations speeds recovery from physical exertion, strenuous activities and workouts, etc.; Balances the body’s acupuncture meridians in just a few minutes; Strengthens the immune system – gentle magnetic intensity does not over-stimulate the body; Improved wound healing – post-operative wound healing, better scar healing, from injuries, etc; Positive effects on pain reduction resulting from various causes – arthritis, back pain, bursitis, muscle stress, etc; Normalizes action of the cellular electrical voltage potentials for healthier metabolism.
WHAT IS A LONG LASTING HELTH BENEFITS FROM USING PEMF THERAPY?CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM A. Strengthens the cardiovascular system. B. Improves blood circulation and micro-circulation – reduces blood platelet adhesion (stickiness). C. Positive influence on secondary disorders, such as migraine, tinnitus. D. Prevents Thrombosis (blood clots) – patients using blood thinners must consult with physician before using PEMF therapy. E. Regulates high and low blood pressure – stimulates natural release of Nitric Oxide to relax and expand blood vessels. F. Improves blood vessels: improves the cholesterol level, increases the oxygen partial pressure. RESPIRATORY TRACT A. Increases oxygen uptake and reduces respiratory problems and asthma attacks. SKELETAL SYSTEM A. Enhances the healing of muscle injuries from strains, sprains, tendonitis, bursitis; B. Osteoporosis – measurable increases in bone density (20 to 30 percent) after only six months of daily use; C. Arthritis – reduces pain and inflammation, improves circulation and oxygenation. MUSCLES & TISSUE HEALING A. Enhances the healing of muscle injuries from strains, sprains, tendonitis, bursitis; B. Positive effects on Fibromyalgia – not a cure but relieves symptoms with continued use; C. Speeds post – operative healing of tissues, scars, etc. METABOLISM AND HORMONE SYSTEM A. Improves metabolism functions; B. Stimulates ATP production to provide more energy for the cells; C. Moves waste products and toxins out of the cells; D. Provides positive effects in: elderly diabetic, rheumatic disorders, allergies, menopausal complaints. NERVOUS SYSTEM A. Reduces stress; B. Positive effects in: Nervousness, Burnout syndrome, Sleeping disorders.